RHCSA™ Complete Training Kit

Price: $99

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With this Complete Training Kit, you will receive the following:
  • A Live USB OS - Just boot from the USB key to get access to our classroom-based Live Linux OS (a $50 value)
  • Soft copies of the following class materials:
    • OCS Linux 075: Linux Essentials (a $185 value)
    • OCS Linux 175: Linux Administration I (a $185 value)
  • A soft copy of One Course Source's RHCSA™ Exam Prep Resource Guide (a $30 value)
  • Additional Linux documentation

Total value: $450.

Prior to attending this class, students should have the following experience:
  • Basic computer knowledge
  • Basic keyboarding skills

From OCS Linux 075: Linux Essentials:

  • Basic Linux Concepts
    • Logging in
    • Changing password
    • Basic command usage

  • Using the GUIs
    • Linux desktops
    • Using GNOME
    • Customizing GNOME

  • The Filesystem
    • Filesystem structure
    • Accessing the filesystem
    • Changing the filesystem

  • Handling Files
    • Copy & move files
    • Viewing files
    • Removing files

  • File Manipulation
    • Filter commands
    • Finding files
    • Comparing files

  • Metacharacters
    • Wildcards
    • Redirection of Input & Output

  • Shell Features
    • Shell variables
    • Command aliases
    • Quoting

  • File Security
    • Understanding file permissions
    • Setting file permissions
    • Default permissions

  • The vim editor
    • vim functionality
    • Input & movement commands
    • advanced vim commands

  • Jobs and processes
    • Listing jobs & processes
    • Stopping and pausing jobs & processes

  • File Compression
    • tar
    • gzip
    • zip

  • Using crontabs and at
    • Schedule processes with crontab
    • anacron
    • Schedule processes with at

  • Shell programming
    • Conditional statements
    • Input/output
    • Signals
    • Debugging

  • Installation
    • Installation requirements
    • Installation methods
    • Interactive installations

From OCS Linux 175: Linux Administration I:

  • Installation
    • Review interactive installation
    • Configure installation servers
    • Kickstart installations
  • Software Administration
    • Connection to a repository
    • Installing software
    • Removing software
    • Creating a repository
    • rpm & yum
  • Account administration
    • Account database files
    • Adding, Modifying & removing user & group accounts
    • Accessing network accounts
  • The Boot Process
    • The Boot Sequence
    • Run levels
    • Controlling services
  • Advanced Permissions
    • Setuid
    • Setgid
    • Stickey bit
    • Access control lists
  • Administering Partitions
    • Partition structure
    • fdisk
    • mkfs & mke2fs
    • Filesystems Labels
  • Mounting filesystems
    • Manually mounting & unmounting filesystems
    • Mounting automatically at boot
    • Creating swap filesystems
    • Sharing & mounting network filesystems
  • Administering the Filesystem
    • Fixing filesystems
    • Displaying filesystem attributes
    • Modifying filesystem attributes
  • Logical Volumes (LVM)
    • LVM concepts
    • Volume groups
    • Physical and logical volumes>Extending logical volumes
    • Snapshots
  • Fundamentals of TCP/IP
    • Protocols
    • IP addressing
    • Subnetting
    • Routing
    • DNS
    • DHCP
  • TCP/IP Configuration
    • Configuring network settings
    • Configure DNS clients
    • Configure DHCP clients
    • NSS (Name Service Switch)
  • Printer Management
    • Configure local and remote CUPS printers
    • Manage print queues
  • Virtual Machines
    • Conditional statements
    • Input/output
    • Signals
    • Debugging
  • Securing services
    • Implement firewalls
    • Configuring SELinux
  • Log File Administration
    • System logging configuration
    • Log file rotation
  • The proc File System
    • Viewing system information
    • Configuring kernel parameters
  • Loadable Kernel Modules
    • Displaying modules
    • Loading & unloading modules manually
    • Module dependencies
  • Troubleshooting
    • Boot issues
    • Fixing user accounts
    • Networking errors
    • Filesystem recovery

Self Study - learn at your own pace

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