Introduction to UNIX

Price: $145

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This four-day course provides the student with the knowledge to interact with a UNIX operating system. Students will develop their UNIX skills with hands-on experience on Sun’s Solaris OS, the most popular UNIX operating system in the world.

Prior to attending this class, students should have the following experience:

  • Basic computer knowledge
  • Basic keyboarding skills
  • Unit 01 - Basic UNIX Concepts
  • Unit 02 - Using CDE
  • Unit 03 - The Filesystem
  • Unit 04 - File Management
  • Unit 05 - File Manipulation
  • Unit 06 - Metacharacters
  • Unit 07 - File Security
  • Unit 08 - The vi Editor
  • Unit 09 - crontab and at
  • Unit 10 - Jobs and Processes
  • Unit 11 - Variables
  • Unit 12 - Aliases
  • Unit 13 - History
  • Unit 14 - File Compression
  • Unit 15 - Networking Commands
  • Unit 16 - Shell Programming
  • Unit 17 - Dealing w/Difficult Files

4 Days

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