Introduction to Tcl/TK

Price: $125

See student testimonials

This three-day course provides the student with the knowledge to create Tcl and Tcl/TK scripts.

Prior to attending this class, students should have the following experience:

  • Programming experience in a structured language (C, C++, Java, Cobol) is required
  • Unit 01 - Introduction to Tcl/Tk
  • Unit 02 - Tcl Basics
  • Unit 03 - Variables
  • Unit 04 - Lists
  • Unit 05 - Arrays
  • Unit 06 - Strings
  • Unit 07 - Regular Expressions
  • Unit 08 - Flow Control
  • Unit 09 - Procedures
  • Unit 10 - File & Processing Handling
  • Unit 11 - TK Basics
  • Unit 12 - Widgets
  • Unit 13 - Menus
  • Unit 14 - Using pack

3 Days

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