C++ Standard Template Library

Price: $125

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This three-day course provides the student with the knowledge to improve C++ programs using generic programming, templates, and the Standard Template Library.

Prior to attending this class, students should have the following experience:

  • Several years of programming in C++ is required
  • Unit 01 – Concepts of the STL
  • Unit 02 – Generic Programming with Templates
  • Unit 03 – Sequential Containers
  • Unit 04 – Iterators
  • Unit 05 – Associative Containers
  • Unit 06 – Iterator Adaptors
  • Unit 07 – Container Adaptors
  • Unit 08 – Function Objects
  • Unit 09 – Function Adaptors
  • Unit 10 – Non-mutating Algorithms
  • Unit 11 – Mutating Algorithms
  • Unit 12 – Other Algorithms
  • Unit 13 – Utilities

3 Days

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